Bo Bayles


Wurl (Applovin)


Summary: Wurl provides various services for streaming TV platforms and content publishers. I am the primary developer for several software projects and products; act as tech lead and mentor for interns and junior engineers; and provide ops and QA support.

Cisco Systems


Summary: After Cisco acquired Observable Networks, I became the lead engineer for a team of 10 software developers and advanced support engineers working on all aspects of Stealthwatch Cloud, Security Analytics and Logging, and related services.

Sample project: Cloud-scale event ingestion pipeline.

Observable Networks


Summary: As engineer #6 at the St. Louis network security monitoring startup, I had the opportunity to contribute both widely and deeply to the organization.

Suddenlink Communications


Summary: Served in and led a small team of engineers focused on video service delivery (particularly VOD and IPTV) and product technology (particularly network services and security).

Education and training


Internships, co-ops, training programs:

Executive/management training:

Open source

I maintain several open source packages, including the Python libraries more-itertools and redis-collections. See my GitHub page for a list of current projects.

In the past I've contributed to the Mozilla Project (particularly and Python.